Friday, September 3, 2010


Have You Considered Reflexology as an Option to help you with chronic aches and pains?

Auckland ,The City Of Sails is Celebrating World Reflexology Week ,September 19-25th.
As a member of the ICR , I am pleased to announce the following special event. 
The reason we began WRW over a decade ago when Bill Flocco was president of the ICR ,and its members around the globe asked for a way to increase public awareness of Reflexology.This event has been held in 40 countries around the world. If you have never tried Reflexology now is the time to get some Free pampering on your feet, hands or ears or the works. Seniors love it and tell me  it helps them sleep better, and feel more relaxed.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Spread Your Wings and Fly: Who Can You Trust When it Comes too Flu Fighting V...

Spread Your Wings and Fly: Who Can You Trust When it Comes too Flu Fighting V...: "Educate your immune system to recognize, respond and remember any potential threats. I never knew what a Immune sytem was , or we never talk..."

Who Can You Trust When it Comes too Flu Fighting Vitamins?

Educate your immune system to recognize, respond and remember any potential threats. I never knew what a Immune sytem was , or we never talked about it at school. Did you hear about it in your youth?
Transfer Factor from 4Life has helped me regain my health so I want to share it with anyone who is willing and open to listen. Transfer Factors are already in your body.I never knew that. It's like when a mother is nursing her baby she is transferring her immune power into the little one. We wer'e milking cows and if we took the calves off of her to bucket feed them, often some got sick, and even died, as they didn't get enough of the colostrum, first milk from the mother .
Now you can use this transfer factor power for your own Immune system strength.
Dare to Compare ! And now, NEW Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula delivers a 437% INCREASE IN IMMUNE EFFECTIVENESS!
Multiple sources mean MAXIMUM POWER!
4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formulas combined cow colostrum and chicken eggs to give you the broadest spectrum of immune support available.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Why Choose 4Life Research! Up to 64% Payout!

Try It On Everything

Hello Everyone, I am writing to tell you about an exciting and awesome film I was introduced to. The documentary film called"Try It On Everything" along with its companion book" Try It On Everything"
Discover the Power of EFT" by Dr. Paticia Carrington, PhD.
The documentary film features notable experts and best selling authors such as Jack Canfield(The Secret), Joe Vitale (The Secret) , Bob Proctor( The Secret) ,Cheryl Richardson(Hay House), Dr. Bruce Lipton, Fred Gallo, Dr. Norman Sheally, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Carol Look, Dr. Patricia Carrington, Donna Eden and many other.
Go watch it now, before you forget. I love the tapping and find it is helping me with my breathing. I have been sharing it with my clients and they love it.
To your success and happiness, Caroline

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Healing Is Only Two Feet Away!

Believe it! What you believe has more power than what you dream or hope or wish for .You become what you believe. Believe it!
On this day, May 13,1995, British climber Alison Hargreaves reached the peak of Mount Everest without oxygen or the help of Sherpas. She became the first woman, and only second person ever, to conqueror the mountain unaided. Before starting her descent from the 29,028-foot summit, she planted a silk flower.
Did she believe she could do it, well yes ,it speaks for itself.
It's time to share your gift. Everyone has a gift inside of him or her, and we need to share it to the world.
I take a deep breathe and read this passage from Marianne Williamson's Return To Love
'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant , gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?
"Actually, who you are not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are meant to shine like children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone.
'And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
Her writings remind me of the glory within me that is meant to shine, all the time. As it is in every one of us.I
am thankful for the friend who told me I should not be doing her cleaning and housework, anyone can do that, she said. She had learned that I was a Reflexologist and she wanted me to start working with her. Doreen has MS, and is wheelchair bound ,so massaging her feet gave her alot of comfort and support. Reflexology is a natural healing art ,has a profoundly beneficial effect on health ,preventing disease, reducing pain, and generally improving quality of life. In all the years 15+ I have never had anyone say they didn't like their feet massaged , some have said they didn't like their feet though.
It is never too late to try something new.
I work with several  women who have cancer on a daily basis. Thanks to the Louise Perkins Foundation for giving me the privilege of being a Sweet Louise Lady. The foundation uses Reflexology to help women with Breast cancer lead more positive lives.
As a practitioner my top priority is this to stop disease before it starts- whether you call it natural, integrative, conventional or nonconventional , if it has merit I'm interested. I simply want what works best and is safe for my client. 2,500 years ago Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine wrote" Let food be your medicine  and medicine be your food."
Modern medicine is not winning the war many of today's ailments that plaque the planet.I was introduced to Dr. Peter D'adamo Eat according to your blood type.Eat Right 4 Your Blood type. I highly recommend your check this out and use it while shopping, dining, or cooking.It lists the food in three groups, beneficial, neutral and avoid.
Eating a healthier diet and improving your lifestyle is good for everyone, but don't leave your doctor out of the loop. Seek profession help and advise it you are not feeling well.
As I work with my clients I become more and more passionate ,especially when I see changes or hear the feedback from them. Someone asked me ,"Do I ever get tired of doing feet?" My answer is no, because there are no feet the same,and its so rewarding to see the clients happier after their treatment.
Healing Is Only Two Feet Away.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Wellness ,a Wing To Your Dreams

Getting is shape is always a smart move.I would like you to join my health gym and get in shape to fast track to your dreams.
Will you keep doing what you have been doing, or make a change and profit beyond your wildest dreams?
Wellness is a Wing to Your Dreams ; Dream Big!
Its your season to Shine, people are looking for answers, we have the solutions.
Surround yourself with people you want to be like. Pick the plan and work with it.
I love my lymphatic rebounder, I feel so energetic after I have a session on it everyday. I have found by boosting my Immune system I now am doing things, that I never could before. I use 4Life Transfer Factors on a regular basis to help me with my busy schedule.
This past week we heard alot about the 20 year anniversary of the fall of Berlin Wall. This causes
us to think about the great blessing that freedom brings. Even though governments can do their part and help unite people and change the world, the real powerful relationship happens one-on-one.Person to person.
4Life is helping to unite people from all over the world into a wonderful global family. We have much to celebrate.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Franklin Health Expo

Happy Reflexing. Healing is Only Two Feet Away. Kathy Bray (2 Karmu Clinic and I (Happy Foot) at the Franklin Health Expo .Kathy and I are Chartered Natural Therapists
Everyone kept us girls busy trying reflexology, some for the first time. And most went away happy and want to know more.
4Life Together ,Building People and HappyFoot make a dynamic team. Riovida Tri-Factor was shared with many valued people who gave us the privilege to do their feet and hands.
All the proceeds go to the Franklin Hospice.
The Franklin Health group consists of more that 40 Health Practitioners. The group includes Reflexology, Bowen, Nathopaths, Tai Chi and Quigong ,Reiki Practitioners and others  .You can contact the Franklin Health group through their website :

Friday, January 29, 2010

Live Teleclass Call With Ali Brown

If you feel stuck in your business, or restless and you’ve
tried remedies from A to Z, but your business is still not
growing the way you’d like, it could be your brand—or lack of
a brand—that’s holding you back! If you’ve tried everything
and things still aren’t quite coming together, and you’re not
sure why success seems so elusive, it could just be that your
brand is the missing piece of the puzzle.

Perhaps you've witnessed Ali transforming her business from a
solo-preneurship to one of the Inc. 500 fastest growing companies.
Her mentor Anne McKevitt spearheaded that rebranding process, and
she's going to be presenting the course!

Here's what the six-part course includes:
1. Getting Your Brand On--Everything you need to fully
understand and prepare for before jumping into brand diagnosis
and creation.

2. Your Brand Diagnosis--Anne will walk you through her critical
diagnosis process to help you determine if you should tweak your
current brand or blow it up and create a new one.

3. Your Brand Prescription After--You complete your diagnosis
and remedy your brand with Anne's help.

4. Your Brand’s Visual Solution--Here’s the fun part –
design, look, and feel! Let’s figure out what YOUR brand should
look like...

5. Designing and Marketing Your Brand-- From preparing, writing,
budgeting, to prelaunch and eventual launch, it's all covered!

6. LIVE Question & Answer Call with Anne. During this call
you’ll have the opportunity to ask Anne questions directly and
have YOUR brand issues answered!

You'll never have access to such a distinguished expert on such
a timely topic as this at such an affordable price. (Less than
$50 per call actually.)

Don't miss out on this unprecedented chance that is sure to help
you get clarity on how to attract business simply and affordably
through effective branding.

Learn more here:
...but don't delay because this telecourse starts on Tuesday,
and then that's it...your chance is gone.
If you feel stuck in your busineee, or restless as I did you need to be on the call. It could be your brand- or lack of a brand. 
See you on the call, Caroline (Happyfoot)