If You Are Feeling Out Of Kilter
Don't Know What Or Why
Find The Sore Spot, And Work It Out.
By Eunice Ingham
Often people ask me, don't you get tired of working on feet?
My answer is no. As every time I have found in the years 15plus , I have never found two feet the same.
Do you hands get tired?
I do some hand techniques always after a client to help me so I don't suffer that way. Also I have some wooden foot rollers, I am using now, as I type this , to help my feet and body stay in good conditions. By massage ostrich oil into my clients feet and hands, I am also benefiting from their treatment.
I encourage you to find the spot on your thumb , the pituitary gland. It is the size of a pea, keep probing until you find it. The reflex area leading to this gland is found in the center of the ball of each big toe, and the thumb.Here is where we have the primary cause of many a nervous breakdown.As you massage this area with this method of compression technique, you can relieve nervous tension .
One client I pressed deeply with the corner of my thumb,he said it felt like a broken piece of glass and the sides we're tender proving he had a great deal of congestion in the back of the neck. This prevented circulation to the brain , cutting off normal nerve impulses which govern the nervous system.In two or three weeks the tenderness was gone and he was able to sleep at night. I encourage my clients to find the sore spots and work at it until it is gone. Enjoy!